Honour The Strength of Your Conviction
Honour The Strength of Your Conviction
Prices as of August 1, 2022
Located in the High Park area of Toronto and in the city of Guelph, we do many types of tax returns, tax planning as well as additional tax related forms as described below:
Personal Returns
This includes employment income, spousal credits, child care expenses, investment income, capital gains or any other aspects of the T1 General form.
Fee: $88.50 + $11.50 HST = $100 per taxation year.
Personal Returns With Rental Income
This is a personal return with a rental property. This can be a portion of your principle residence (where you live) or a separate rental property that is not classified as a business. This would include rental partnerships.
Fee: $132.74 + $17.26 = $150 for each adult, partner or co-owner per taxation year.
Personal Returns With Employment Expenses
If you are an employee and you can deduct expenses as agreed upon between you are your employer via a T2200 form, this would be classified as employment expenses.
Fee: $132.74 + $17.26= $150 per taxation year.
Self-Employed and Business Returns
If you are self-employed, operate a sole-proprietorship small business or a partnership or fill out a T2125 form, this would be a business return.
Fee: $132.74 + $17.26 = $150 per taxation year.
GST/HST Remittance
If you are registered to file GST/HST and you need to remit the amounts collected and expenses incurred.
Fee: $88.50 + $11.50 HST = $100 per remittance period.
Tax Planning
If you do not need a tax return as of yet but would like tax advice for retirement planning, investment timing, starting or winding up a business or life changing events like marriage, divorce, children, job change or moving your principle residence, this is also offered at any time of the year. Tax planning can also be useful if you want to optimize your tax situation given your current state of income.
Fee: $88.50 + $11.50 HST = $100 per hour on a customized basis.
T1 Adjustments
If any past returns need to be amended, T1-ADJ forms can be produced and submitted by mail. Fee: $88.50 + $11.50 HST = $100 per form.
What Is Not Offered
Tax returns for residents of Quebec and foreign returns (IRS filings for American citizens as an example) are not offered.
The flat fees for all types of returns are based on 1 hour work or less. Should the time spent exceed this amount, an additional hourly fee of $100 per hour may be charged including HST based on the number of additional hours required to file the return. If this situation applies, you will be notified in advance.
Tax returns can be prepared in our office, virtually or at your home. Submissions can be done electronically or on paper and past years can also be filed if necessary. Price quotations for any customized work are provided before the work is commenced.
Note: This site is intended for people who want to learn about the world of investments and how to research for themselves. If you would like to buy or sell investment products, or specific advice on investment products, tax or legal issues, please consult your investment advisor, accountant or legal counsel. Tax Preparation in Toronto. Income Tax in Toronto
CRA Imitation Scams
Beware of telephone calls from people claiming to be CRA agents or calling from the CRA. The CRA will tend to contact you be mail should there be any issues with your tax return. You can verify if there is a real issue by telephoning CRA yourself or checking your account online to see if there are any assessments pending or monies owing. Get familiar with your tax return and the status of your account with the CRA to avoid scams that do not make sense.