Honour The Strength of Your Conviction
Honour The Strength of Your Conviction
What Is Your Money Telling You? Managing Your Life & Money Holistically (Softcover) Joe Barbieri (Author)
List Price $19.80 in Canadian dollars including at the online store. In Canada, the total cost is $25 including shipping and 5% GST. The eBook price is $9.80 plus 5% GST.
Book Description Publication Date: January 2013
Much of our relationship with money is unconscious and habitual. Many people cannot say where their money goes. People may not understand money, often wasting it through lack of awareness. The money in our lives is a reflection of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and social attitudes. The good news is that all of these aspects can be changed!
Five Tips To Take From the Book
The book What Is Your Money Telling You? will teach you: Where your money goes, what your beliefs and programs are, how to make your habits conscious through awareness, how to harmonize your money with the other four main aspects of your life - health, time, energy or effort and relationships and how to reprioritize your money and your life in a whole new way!
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