Honour The Strength of Your Conviction

Manage your money the smart way.
Get impartial financial advice from a fee-only financial consultant.
Honour The Strength of Your Conviction
Manage your money the smart way.
Get impartial financial advice from a fee-only financial consultant.
We are your financial tour guide. We show you the shortest, easiest path to your financial goals.
We provide fee only financial and investment consulting which focuses on advice that is not tied to the selling of any product. We are offering an independent opinion that only serves you the client.
If any of the following below describes what you need, we can help:
I want to have confidence, simplicity and peace of mind with respect to finances.
I want to save money on management fees.
I want advice that takes into account my whole situation - a holistic approach which includes taxation, investments, debt management, budgeting, estate planning as well as my personal needs, goals and preferences.
I have concerns about running out of money in retirement and how much I should be saving each year.
I want to know when to take my CPP/OAS benefits, and what assets to spend first.
I want to know what I can pass on to my children.
I need guidance with implementation of my financial plan.
I want to have a second opinion on my current financial situation to know if I am getting good value from my current advisor or broker.
I want to be charged on a fee only basis for the work performed and not by the assets I have.
I want to better understand my financial situation.
I have small business or self-employed financial needs.
I want to consolidate my accounts and simplify my financial portfolio.
I feel that I don't have enough assets to get quality financial advice.
I would like information or personalized advice on a specific topic.
I have assets with a robo-advisor or robo-planner and would like someone to provide holistic advice and fill in the blanks.
I would like to diversify beyond traditional investments to account for systemic risks and issues.
Note: This site is intended for people who want to learn about the world of investments and how to research for themselves. If you would like to buy or sell investment products, or specific advice on investment products, tax or legal issues, please consult your investment advisor, accountant or legal counsel.
Any personal information gathered will only be used to provide the services agreed upon and not be released to any third party, except as may be authorized by law, or by your explicit consent. Personal data is only used for providing advisory services and would be kept indefinitely unless a request is made by the client to delete the information.
I/we understand that the advice discussed is based on information supplied by me/us, and the advice may contain financial projections and assumptions. The advice should not be considered comprehensive but should be treated as a guideline since information may change over time such as market returns, tax laws, estate laws or other regulations.
I/we understand that every effort has been made to make sure that calculations are accurate. We expressly disclaim any liability, loss or risk, financial or otherwise incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, in the use or application of any ideas, advice, suggestions or techniques demonstrated.
If you receive a questionnaire, plan or other documentation, it is assumed that this memorandum has been read and consented to on an ongoing basis from the date of receipt.
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